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The Rebel Matters Podcast is a show hosted by Ainle Ó Cairealláin since 2017. Episodes feature artists, activist, and scallywags from all walks of life, and include informal chats with guests and occasional solo-runs by Ainle. New releases are usually out on every second Friday and the show is completely funded by our supporters on Patreon to whom we are extremely grateful. Here you will find the full back catalogue of episodes, links to some of the most common podcast platforms where the show is available, our blog, and more about who is behind the show. You can also find the link to our Patreon page should you wish to help keep the Rebel Matters Podcast on the road!

Dec 20, 2019

This week I chat with storyteller, drama therapist, and Cork Yarn-Spinner Maria Gillen. We discussed strength from softness, the impact of technology on our social skills, and the passing down of wisdom from one generation to the next. 

Dec 13, 2019

A conversation recorded in South Armagh with storyteller Steve Lally. We discussed how Steve became a storyteller, the writing of his latest book, 'Irish Gothic Fairy Stories', and the importance of folklore and storytelling in modern society. 

Dec 6, 2019

This week is a solo run on making December a 'healing month' to finish the year on a positive note, which I started thinking about on the way back from a recent trip to Berlin. Every year has its challenges and highlights, and December seems to be as good a time as any to practice some self-love, looking after yourself...