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The Rebel Matters Podcast is a show hosted by Ainle Ó Cairealláin since 2017. Episodes feature artists, activist, and scallywags from all walks of life, and include informal chats with guests and occasional solo-runs by Ainle. New releases are usually out on every second Friday and the show is completely funded by our supporters on Patreon to whom we are extremely grateful. Here you will find the full back catalogue of episodes, links to some of the most common podcast platforms where the show is available, our blog, and more about who is behind the show. You can also find the link to our Patreon page should you wish to help keep the Rebel Matters Podcast on the road!

Apr 30, 2021

This week is half solo-run and half conversation in memory of our dear friend and comrade Salah Ajarma who passed away suddenly at his home in the Aida refugee on the 14th of April 2020.


The solo-run section contains some reflections on trips to Palestine and time with Salah as well as a bit of a chat about the...

Apr 16, 2021

Between the 9th and 11th of August 1971, the 1st Battalion of the British Army's Parachute Regiment murdered 11 innocent civilians on the streets of Ballymurphy, West Belfast. One of the victims was Briege's mother, 44 year old Joan Connolly. Briege talks about the events of the time, the recently concluded inquest into...

Apr 2, 2021

The Useless Project was started by Geraldine Carton and Taz Kelleher in November 2018. Powered by energy, enthusiasm and positivity, the pair highlight the positive, accessible and pragmatic side to living a more sustainable lifestyle.

Starting-off largely events-based, The Useless Project has expanded beyond the realms...